
Our Blog

National Cabernet Day!

Jeff’s Corner 8-30-18 Hey Hey Hey, today is National Cabernet Day! (Actually, it’s probably National Cabernet Sauvignon Day, but I didn’t want to ruin my cheesy rhyme.) Now, the truth is, nobody gets excited about a National Fill-in-the-Blank Day unless the subject is something we are personally passionate about. National Liver and Onions Day slid by me without notice.

Sangria Wine!

Jeff’s Corner 8-15-18 “When friends come for Saturday night,It’s nice to make up some Sangria wine,It’s organic and it comes from the vine,It’s also legal and it gets you so high.” Great words, Jerry Jeff! It’s summer, it’s humid, and it’s hot. Some ice-cold Sangria, some burgers on the grill, and some good friends sound pretty darn good right about now.

2017 Grand Rouge

Jeff’s Corner 8-10-18 Hello, Hello, Hello, and a Howdy just for fun! Today we’re going to take a peek at our new 2017 Grand Rouge. Grand Rouge is one of our most insanely popular wines, but first a vintage update.

“Pump Over”

Howdy Doody. Yes, it’s that time again. Grapes are starting to roll in from the Texas High Plains, and as I mentioned a few weeks ago, 2018 is shaping up to be a banner year. We’ve already received some lovely Viognier and Chenin Blanc, and yesterday, saw the arrival of some great looking Pinot Noir from Lahey Vineyards that is destined for our exciting new Heath Sparkling portfolio. Here’s a pretty cool pic I snapped five years ago looking down into the tank of our 2013 Estate Epiphany while we were doing what’s called “pump over”.