
Wine Releases

2017 Bellissimo

Jeff’s Corner Once again, it’s time for me to say, “Greetings from the Easter Binney!” Happy Easter everyone, today we’ll take a look at our new 2017 Bellissimo, which I am going to endorse right now as a great wine to pair with your Easter ham. But wait, today is not only Good Friday, it’s also my 39th Wedding Anniversary. 39 years ago today, right about the time this is posted, Kath and I pledged a lifetime of love to one another, and it was probably the smartest thing I’ve ever done.

2017 Serendipity

Jeff’s Corner Hey Hey Hey, it’s Serendipity Day If you are in the Mixed or Black Label Wine Club, the 2017 Serendipity is in your immediate future, while in fact some of you may have already picked up this elusive beauty. If you haven’t, it’s ready for you at any of our three locations, and if we ship your allocation, it’s on the way.

2017 Mosaic

Jeff’s Corner Today we’re going to take a peek at the new 2017 Mosaic, but before we do, congrats once again to Jason and gang (more about them soon). We just brought back 14 medals from the Monterey Wine Competition, including a Platinum for our legendary ’18 Cabernet Blanc and Golds for the ’18 Riesling, ’17 Muscat Canelli, ’16 Bellissimo, and ’17 Cuvee Blanc. The rest were Silver, no Bronze. Now, on to Kathy’s favorite wine (and she’s never wrong), our Bordeaux-style Mosaic. First produced in 2004, the 2017 is the 13th vintage of what is often one of my most favorite Grape Creek wines as well.

2018 Rose of Malbec

Jeff’s Corner Everyone’s darling favorite, or favorite darling, is back. The 2018 Rose of Malbec has been released, and is in almost every employee’s glass after work these days. The 2017 stole the show all summer long last year, was often our best selling wine, and sold out quickly. We nearly doubled our production this year, so buy it up and drink it up!